Hours Open

Monday 1:00-6:00
Tuesday 10:00-6:00
Wednesday 1:00-7:00
Thursday 10:00-6:00
Friday, Saturday  & Sunday closed

Contact Information

Spearville Township Library
414 North Main Street
PO Box 464
Spearville, KS 67876

Phone: (620) 385-2501
Fax: (620) 385-2508

Renewals Email: circ@spearvillelibrary.org
Email: director@spearvillelibrary.org

Spearville Library
Spearville Library2 weeks ago
Yes, the library is open today. Unfortunately, because of the blustery day, you will need to enter by the south door: that is the door between the Windmill Restaurant and the library.
Spearville Library
Spearville Library4 weeks ago
The winners of the Winter Reading Program are Theresa Barnett, Cathy Mages, Vicky Scheve, and Renelda Hornung!! Please come in and collect your winnings PLUS be camera ready! Thanks to all who participated and made it challenging.
Spearville Library
Spearville Library1 month ago
Good news at the library. Several excited young readers have read over 200 books before kindergarten!
February is Dental Health month and we practiced brushing gunk off our teeth and then went home with a healthy teeth pack courtesy of Dr. Kelly Henrich’s of Dodge City!
Spearville Library
Spearville Library1 month ago
Remember it is craft swap day at the library for only $1.00 get a bag of goodies!! We are open until 7:00 pm for the swap!!
Spearville Library
Spearville Library1 month ago
Blaze a trail to the library! We will be open Thursday!! Storytime is at 10:20. Don’t forget your Valentines!!!
Spearville Library
Spearville Library1 month ago
Due to cold the library is closed tomorrow, Feb 19th.

Board Members

Jonita Brack, President/Chairman
Marilyn Kolbeck, Treasure
Angie Sites, Secretary
Renelda Hornung
Diane Nau


Rose Thomas
Jill Hornung-Heeke
Cathy Mages